Get the best vision therapy instruments
Eyesight is about more than just 20/20 vision. Visual acuity is important, but only refers to your ability to discern shapes and details
— it’s just one factor in your total vision. Other visual skills are just as important.
Vision therapy is unique to every patient and customized just for you by an optometrist. The goal of vision therapy is to address issues that cannot be solved through corrective lenses alone.
To find out more about vision therapy, get in touch with Binocular vision clinic.
Vision therapy is useful for children whose visual skills may not be developing correctly. Eye focus, alignment, and peripheral vision problems can all be helped through vision therapy.
Adults who have experienced a stroke or a traumatic brain injury can also benefit from vision therapy. More than half of stroke survivors experience vision issues of some kind, ranging from visual field loss to issues with depth perception or colour vision.
Hemianopsia, the loss of sight in half of your visual field, is common in people who have survived a stroke or a brain injury. Vision therapy can improve the cooperation between the brain and eyes, helping enhance information processing.
Vision therapy helps set children up for success. After all, the American Optometric Association states that up to 80% of a child’s learning is vision-related.
While it may not always be obvious that your child is experiencing a vision problem, some indications that your child may need vision therapy include:
- Poor reading comprehension
- Squinting often
- Frequent rubbing of eyes
- Moving the head excessively when reading
- Short attention span
- Mistaking words with similar beginnings
- Sloppy writing
- Trouble discerning right from left
Children with undiagnosed vision problems can have trouble in school. They are sometimes misdiagnosed with learning or behavioral problems like ADHD.
Well-developed visual skills are necessary before your child starts school. These skills should include seeing well at a range of distances, following words along a page, and throwing and catching objects.
Strabismus, commonly known as crossed eyes, is a muscle condition. It results in eyes that are not properly aligned.
The condition usually develops in infants and very young children. It does not go away on its own and may even get worse without treatment. While vision therapy is more than just eye exercises, in the case of strabismus, exercises may be used to help correct the problem
Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, occurs when the brain and eyes aren’t communicating properly. There may not be obvious symptoms, but if you notice your child squinting, tilting their head regularly, or shutting one eye, it could be a sign of amblyopia.
The goal of vision therapy is to improve your quality of life through vision. We will customize a program that fits your needs. Treatment may consist of both in-office work and at-home exercises.